
Program 2024

To help you take advantage of this framework, under the sun, snow, or in full bloom, many functions and cultural events are held throughout the year at all.

With the current context, all measures are taken into account to welcome you safely to the castle.


  • EVENTS 2024

We look forward to seeing you in 2024!

APRIL 13: Opening of the domain to visits and outdoor activities

JULY 20 : Apero-concert

The association of Madeleines de Preisch is coming back! A country ball awaits you on Saturday evening, July 20, from 6pm. Free entrance to the park, in front of the castle and the chapel : aperitif-concert with Coolswing trio and live Jukebox orchestra for a friendly atmosphere guaranteed! Fast food on the venue with some foodtrucks, drinks stand and homemade desserts.

Guided tour of the interior of the castle from 6pm: discovery of the «little curiosities of fashion at the time» and exceptional opening of private apartments. Thematic guided tour: 5 €, without reservation, duration 45 minutes to an hour approximately, regular departures all evening until 10pm.


SEPTEMBER 21 and 22: European Heritage Days

OCTOBER: Night of the castles/Halloween




MARCH 30 and 31: Traditional egg hunt in the park

On the weekend of Easter, Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 March, we look forward to many egg hunters.

Easter bunnies are preparing to hide 3,000 eggs scattered throughout the park.

You will start with the traditional search for 6 eggs of different colors, then you will build a cozy nest to welcome them thanks to the plant elements of the park. The eggs will then be transformed into chocolate eggs and you will end the adventure by enjoying good cakes.

A golden egg will be regularly hidden so that everyone has a chance to find it regardless of the time slot chosen. It will be entitled to a chocolate surprise.

A space specially designed for the little ones will be installed in the courtyard of the farm.

To participate, nothing more simple: bring a good pair of eyes, a basket, and go.


Location: Château de Preisch – 2 rue des Lilas F-57570 BASSE-RENTGEN

Dates and times: Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 March from 9:30 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm.

Attention: the site will be closed from 1pm to 2pm

Rates: 12€/child including hunting, chocolate eggs and snack (1 cake and 1 drink) + 1 free companion per family and 6€ per extra companion.  Free 0 to 3 years.

IMPORTANT PARKING: to avoid you reliving the disastrous experience of last year due to the heavy rains that made our parking unusable, the parking lot of the egg hunt will take place only at the P+R of Frisange.

A free shuttle will make constant round trips to the castle 2km away: First shuttle from the P+R to the castle in the morning: 9:20, afternoon: 13:50. Last shuttle return castle to P+R in the morning: 12h50, afternoon: 18h15.

Warning: no shuttle will run between 12:50 and 13:50, closing time of the park.

To book (not mandatory but recommended): possible time slot every hour from 9:30 to 12:30 and from 14h to 17h. There is no time limit in the park once you enter. In case of cancellation of reservation, the ticket serves as a deposit for the other activities of the season (treasure hunts…), no refund is made.

Payment on site by credit card, cash or checks.


JUNE 1 and 2: Rendez-vous at the gardens






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